Making Friends and Getting Abs before the Aliens Return.
Published on May 15, 2009 By BastianG In Life Journals

Do you know... do you realize how many blogs I've started and abandoned? Some because I no longer believed in their worth. Some because my anonymity was compromised. And some because... quite frankly I forgot they were there. But I've always anjoyed having a place on the internet where I could bounce my stories or thoughts into the realms of cyberspace. This time around I've chosen Joe User. And truth be told, I used to write on Joe User a long time ago. It has changed a lot and grown a lot and I'm happy to see that it has made it.

You would think that a person of 28... oh wait I just turned 29. Being a man of 29 I would be ready to calm down and embrace the inevitible 30. But really what I've discovered is that 29 is like the new 18 in many ways. I'm wise enough to avoid the pitfalls of drama, which is nice --- but still young enough at heart to know that these things and these stresses that people take with them do not even matter. I see movies about men and women who are my age who rush about making deals, making calls, renting 15,000 dollar-per-month apartments in New York or L.A.  Driving BMWs, Porche's, Hummers. And then writing articles in Details,GQ, and Esquire about how they are discontent and unhappy.

I have already achieved the basic American dream. I have been married almost 9 years to a woman I love dearly and everyday we reinvent our romance like two teenagers. But with experience. Hmmm. Actually, no. That last sentence is not true because certainly I was an awkward teenager sexually speaking. But now I think things flow much more smoothly and we can more effectively create the romantic scenes we see in our heads, in books, in movies and in porn.

I have a steady job that I enjoy and that is in a secure market. It's not going anywhere, even though sometimes I feel a little guilty about the nature of it. But it is work that I find fulfilling and fun. And enough money to provide my family with what they need.

I have a little house and two cars and a beautiful 3 year old son who surprises me every day with his sense of humor, creativity, and athletic ability. I was certainly never that athletic. Where does he get it?

And if you ever stop to ask yourself, "Why litter the Web with one more Blog about some dude's life?" It might be more appropriate to ask "Why not?". See here's the thing. I was watching the late great George Carlin on HBO last night do one of his final comedy specials. And I'll give it to him. The man is hilarious. But all of his comedy is rooted entirely in negativity. He doesn't care aboout other people. Fine. We get it. And I'm sure he plays it up for comedic effect. But it made me think... I am the complete opposite. I am fascinated with people. With their stories, dreams, struggles and motivations.

My birthday was a few weeks ago, and ever since then I decided that even though I had a great life already, I wasn't going to be satisfied and contented. I was going to do more, and achieve more. I've enrolled in college again, started working out again and I joined a bowling league that starts in a few weeks. So really, you are free to care or not to care about what is going on in my life. Either way, I'll still be writing it all right here.

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